29th EUROPEAN Conference on Modelling and Simulation


ECMS 2015

Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria

local pages: http://fa.tu-sofia.bg/te/ECMS2015/

May 26th - 29th, 2015
Albena (Varna),



ECMS papers are listed in DBLP, SCOPUS, ISI, INSPEC and DOI






 Important Guidelines for submitting your FINAL paper to 
ECMS since all papers will be published with a Digital Printing System

Papers that do not meet these guidelines
will not be published !I

- Format:
A4 = 210 x 297mm
2 columns

ALL FONTS need to be EMBEDDED (Please check file options before submitting)

7 pages max.
extended paper (possible only with agreement of chair): up to 10 pages (additional fee of €20 / page)

Look at File Properties and make sure ALL fonts are embedded !!!
(check the options in your printing program for the possibility to have all Fonts
("True-Type Font") -Standard Fonts included - embedded)
- NO Pagenumbers

Please read the following before submitting a final paper:

With submitting a final paper to ECMS, the author/s states that this work has not been previously published elsewhere, or, if it has, that he has obtained permission for its publication by ECMS or its appointed agent. He exclusively transfers to European Council for Modelling and Simulation all rights granted to him by the copyright laws of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and other countries. After this work has been published by ECMS the author/s retains the right to republish it in whole or in part in any book of which he is an author or editor and to make personal use of this work in lectures, courses, or otherwise.
At least one author  will take part at the conference and present his/her paper .

Paper formatting guidelines and speaking instructions 

paper_formatting.pdf - Paper formatting and guidelines to improve your paper
- Speaking instructions and audiovisual equipment
- Paper formatting and guidelines to improve your paper
- Speaking instructions and audiovisual equipment

Please UPLOAD your final paper (PDF_Version with all fonts embedded) via our
automatic submission system:

As an author you will have to REGISTER FIRST before being able to upload a paper.
The system will need the following information from you:

Last name
First name
Address 1(=street)
Zip Code
Login - choose  your desired login name (for example: conf07) 

AFTER a successful REGISTRATION you will receive an email stating your "Login" and your "Password"
PLEASE keep this mail

You have to LOGIN into the system now and may change your data and password anytime and upload your paper
in PDF-Format only:
The system will NEED the following information:

Paper title
Paper type (theoretical or application),
Abstract (less than 400 words)
Keyword (of the TRACKname your paper shall be submitted to!!!!!!! - please check our trackpage and decide for your paper)
List of all co-authors 

you NEED to CHECK the box stating that acceptance of your paper will need at least
one author to present the paper at the conference.

After your paper got uploaded successfully you will receive a cofirmation email
!!!! You can always upload a revised version of your paper afterwards BUT  please inform the office
about a changed version: ecms"at"scs-europe.net  !!!!!

Noone will know about changed paperversions without being notified by YOU!!!!!!!

For LaTeX - User:

We do not give any support to Latex-users!

You may use Latex but you have to make sure your pdf file meets the guidelines above.

Here is ecms.bst

Here is ecmsexample.tex

Here is IEEEtran.cls

"An example of a LaTeX paper manuscript:"      ECMSexample.pdf






Page created by M.-M. Seidel
© Copyright ECMS - All Rights Reserved