Authors: Y.Monsef, D.Djamei and M.A. Nachi.


In a recent paper (Monsef et al. 1994), the Exploratory Learning Delivery (ELD) strategy is presented; it is fundamentally based on an Active learnerŐs role via the interaction with the model simulation: the learner, by himself, chooses data and propositions, and from these data and his proposals, the learning session can start. We show that this approach is really a "Microworlds" one (Papert 1980; Thompson 1987), that is: System - Learners - Multimedia Interactive Environment. In this paper we are particulary concerned with the Multimedia Interactive Environment using Simulation and Hypermedia: The Multimedia aspect is presented, the overall implemented distributed architecture developed, and especially the NETBIOS message processing modules as well as the cooperation between author and learners based on the hypermedia concept.


Youssef MONSEF, Civil Engineer from Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs de Beyrouth (Lebanon), Electronical Engineer from Ecole Superieure Electricite (France), PhD from University Paris-Sud (Orsay), was involved in many simulation projects in Nuclear and Electronical Fields at French Atomic Energy (C.E.A.), Framatome (French-American Atome) and Thomson Companies respectively with numerous teaching activities in simulation field: France (University Paris-Orsay), Lebanon (Faculty of Engineering), Syria (Scientific Studies Research Center); since 1988, he was detached by the "French Technical Cooperation Mission" to Wahran University (Algeria), at the Department of Computer Science, where he established the Postgraduation Cycle in "Modeling, Simulation and C.A.D.";he leads many PhD and Magister Thesis. He is on leave to France. His research interests include the Methodology Design in Simulation, Cognitive Man-Machine Interfaces and Computer Aided Instruction on Complex Systems.

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