Multimedia is the latest development in user information presentation systems. In certain sectors there will be an increasing dependency upon the quality of data that is delivered by multimedia systems. Acceptance of the computer systems by users is of utmost importance, and without this acceptance a whole series of problems can occur relating to the user and the organisation.

The paper describes a methodology that can be used for the process of implementing multimedia systems and determining the problems that could occur during the implementation stage This is the first step in the UK towards developing a complete approach that can be used for change control management in respect to multimedia systems.

Authors Biography

Name: M.J.Warren

	Network Research Group,
	Smeaton Building,
	University of Plymouth

Present Employer: University of Plymouth

Research Areas:
	Risk Analysis
	Change Control

	Secretary of the Plymouth NHS Trust, Information Security Committee.
	Involved with the EU AIM(Advanced Informatics in Medicine), SEISMED Project.
	Involved with the EU INFOSEC ACE (Auctioning by satellite over Europe).Project

Present work:
	Involved with introducing technology into a large healthcare organisation and managing the 	process of change.
	Involved with developing security policies for a large healthcare organisation.
	Developing healthcare risk analysis methodologies.
	Developing change control methodologies for technology.

	Presently undertaking a PhD (3rd year) in Health Care Security Risk Analysis.
	2:1 BA(Hons) Business Computing from Sunderland University.

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