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of the European Council for Modelling and Simulation



An Alternative To Dead Reckoning For Model State Quantisation

When Migrating To A Quantised Discrete Event Architecture


Arno Duvenhage, Bernardt Duvenhage

Published in:


ECMS 2008 Proceedings

Edited by: Loucas S. Louca, Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Zuzana Oplatkova, Khalid Al-Begain


ISBN: 978-0-9553018-6-5

Doi: 10.7148/2008


22nd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation,

Nicosia, June 3-6, 2008


Citation format:

Duvenhage, A., & Duvenhage, B. (2008). An Alternative To Dead Reckoning For Model State Quantisation When Migrating To A Quantised Discrete Event Architecture. ECMS 2008 Proceedings edited by: L. S. Louca, Y. Chrysanthou, Z. Oplatkova, K. Al-Begain (pp. 43-47). European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2008-0043.



Some progress has recently been made on migrating an existing distributed parallel discrete time simulator to a quantised discrete event architecture. The migration is done to increase the scale of the real-time simulations supported by the simulator. This however requires that the existing discrete time models be modified to work within the quantised discrete event environment. To this end the use of model state quantiser and quantised inte- grator pairs are required. An alternative to dead reckon- ing is suggested for the quantized integrator algorithm: a state estimation algorithm that has successfully been used to inject live aircraft into a discrete time simulator.

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