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of the European Council for Modelling and Simulation



A Novel Approach To Anti-Sway Control For Marine Shipboard Cranes


Siebe B. van Albada, G. Dick van Albada, Hans Petter Hildre, Houxiang Zhang

Published in:


(2013).ECMS 2013 Proceedings edited by: W. Rekdalsbakken, R. T. Bye, H. Zhang  European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2013


ISBN: 978-0-9564944-6-7


27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation,

Aalesund, Norway, May 27th – 30th, 2013


Citation format:

Siebe B. van Albada, G. Dick van Albada, Hans Petter Hildre, Houxiang Zhang (2013). A Novel Approach To Anti-Sway Control For Marine Shipboard Cranes, ECMS 2013 Proceedings edited by: W. Rekdalsbakken, R. T. Bye, H. Zhang, European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2013-0249




This paper addresses the development of a novel antisway control approach for marine shipboard cranes, offering stability, safety, and efficiency during lifting, handling, transportation, and other manipulation. The proposed idea consists of the development of an integrated system with control strategies to both reduce the effect of three-dimensional payload pendulation and to minimize wave impact during shipboard crane manipulation. We propose to use a control mechanism based on energy dissipation. The simulation results confirm the principle and effectiveness of the proposed methods for damping out pendulation. In future work, we aim to minimize wave impact on the payload by reducing the dynamic forces through controlling the length of the hoist cable while adapting to the lateral wave velocity. During the final phase of this project, the proposed control strategy will be implemented as a real physical prototype for controlling different kinds of shipboard cranes..

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