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of the European Council for Modelling and Simulation



Towards An Agent-Based Model On Co-Diffusion Of Technology And Behavior: A Review


Thorben Jensen, Emile Chappin

Published in:


(2014).ECMS 2014 Proceedings edited by: Flaminio Squazzoni, Fabio Baronio, Claudia Archetti, Marco Castellani  European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2014


ISBN: 978-0-9564944-8-1


28th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation,

Brescia, Italy, May 27th – 30th, 2014

Citation format:

Thorben Jensen, Emile Chappin (2014). Towards An Agent-Based Model On Co-Diffusion Of Technology And Behavior: A Review, ECMS 2014 Proceedings edited by: Flaminio Squazzoni, Fabio Baronio, Claudia Archetti, Marco Castellani  European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2014-0782



In this paper we propose an agent-based modeling study to assess policy options towards technological interventions to energy consumption behavior, in particular products also known as ‘Transformational Products’. They are novel domestic heating energy efficiency enabling devices, designed to change heating behavior of their users. Innovative behavior can then trigger social learning, i.e. propagation of changed behavior from users to their peers. Arguing that effects of such domestic technology needs to be assessed beyond the household scale, we state the following requirements for a simulation model: it should be an agent-based model considering co-diffusion of behavior and technology. Bottom-up, it should base upon households of certain lifestyles, which are connected in social networks. Model rules should be rooted in socio-psychological theory. Model validation should be feasible. We conduct a literature review on modeling studies, evaluating to which extent these meet these stated requirements, and conclude: (1) an agent-based modeling study meeting all these requirements is not found, suggesting that it does not exist yet; (2) a combination of existing models would meet the stated requirements. A use case for the proposed simulation model for policy makers is enabling strategic decisions by comparing the effects of technology that addresses heating behavior with technology which automizes heating.

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