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of the European Council for Modelling and Simulation



Models And Algorithms For Abilities Evaluation Of Active Moving Objects Control System


Boris Sokolov, Vladimir Kalinin, Sergey Nemykin, Dmitry Ivanov

Published in:



(2016).ECMS 2016 Proceedings edited by: Thorsen Claus, Frank Herrmann, Michael Manitz, Oliver Rose, European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2016



ISBN: 978-0-9932440-2-5


30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation,

Regensburg Germany, May 31st – June 3rd, 2016


Citation format:

Boris Sokolov, Vladimir Kalinin, Sergey Nemykin, Dmitry Ivanov (2016). Models And Algorithms For Abilities Evaluation Of Active Moving Objects Control System, ECMS 2016 Proceedings edited by: Thorsten Claus, Frank Herrmann, Michael Manitz, Oliver Rose  European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2016-0467



One of the important problems in active moving objects control system (AMO CS) is the evaluation of goal abilities, i.e., potential of the system to perform its missions in different situations. Thus, the preliminary analysis of information and technological and goal abilities (GA and ITA) of AMO CS is very important in practice and can be used to obtain reasonable means of the  exploitation under different conditions. In the paper models and algorithms for abilities evaluation of AMO CS are proposed.


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