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of the European Council for Modelling and Simulation



A Variable Detail Model Simulation Methodology For Cyber-Physical Systems


T.G. Broenink, J.F. Broenink

Published in:




(2018). ECMS 2018 Proceedings Edited by: Lars Nolle, Alexandra Burger, Christoph Tholen, Jens Werner, Jens Wellhausen European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi: 10.7148/2018-0005


ISSN: 2522-2422 (ONLINE)

ISSN: 2522-2414 (PRINT)

ISSN: 2522-2430 (CD-ROM)


32nd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation,

Wilhelmshaven, Germany, May 22nd – May 265h, 2018



Citation format:

T.G. Broenink, J.F. Broenink (2018). A Variable Detail Model Simulation Methodology For Cyber-Physical Systems, ECMS 2018 Proceedings Edited by: Lars Nolle, Alexandra Burger, Christoph Tholen, Jens Werner, Jens Wellhausen European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi: 10.7148/2018-0219



This publication is about simulating cyber-physical models with varying levels of detail, how to structure the models to make this possible and how to design the sub-models required. A structured method is posed to select which signals of the model to use for the structure and how to determine the different parts of the models to abstract away when varying the detail of sub-models. This method is applied to two examples based on a lab setup available. One example shows hard limits due to encoder processing, the other example shows the effects of simplified dynamic mod-els. The method is effective in both examples and shows a clear trade-off between accuracy and performance.

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