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Implementation Of 7 DoF Robotic System For Fast Unstable Processes


Lubos Spacek, Jiri Vojtesek

Published in:



(2019). ECMS 2019 Proceedings Edited by: Mauro Iacono, Francesco Palmieri, Marco Gribaudo, Massimo Ficco, European Council for Modeling and Simulation.




ISSN: 2522-2422 (ONLINE)

ISSN: 2522-2414 (PRINT)

ISSN: 2522-2430 (CD-ROM)


33rd International ECMS Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Caserta, Italy, June 11th – June 14th, 2019



Citation format:

Lubos Spacek, Jiri Vojtesek (2019). Implementation Of 7 DoF Robotic System For Fast Unstable Processes, ECMS 2019 Proceedings Edited by: Mauro Iacono, Francesco Palmieri, Marco Gribaudo, Massimo Ficco European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi: 10.7148/2019-0172



The industrial robotics is a fast growing area which reaches beyond automotive and large companies. More special tasks are required from robots than before, some of which require dynamic reactions from the robot based on external sensors. This paper presents solution for controlling of unstable processes using collabora-tive robotic manipulator ABB YuMi. The Ball & Plate model serves as an example of the relatively fast and unstable system. The linear quadratic (LQ) polynomial 2DoF controller is used because of its easy implementa-tion to the robot’s code and reliable behavior. Working system is presented and solutions are provided to im-prove the quality and overall stability of the solution.

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