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Universitą degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
In today’s
world, there is an ever-increasing need for intelligent systems, systems
that can learn and adapt to a changing environment. In order to achieve
this, intelligent systems usually incorporate or are based on models or
simulations of the environment. The intelligent system track will provide a
forum for the presentation and discussion of recent research and
applications of simulations for intelligent systems. It aims to encourage
and to facilitate interdisciplinary communication amongst university
researcher and industry professionals applying techniques such as
evolutionary and genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic and artificial neural
network models.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
computational intelligence and cognitive systems
fuzzy systems
evolutionary and genetic algorithms
artificial neural networks
intelligent machine learning systems
rule-based systems
case-based reasoning
methodologies, models and algorithms, tools
Papers dealing with the applications of computational intelligence in a
widest sense are welcome but are not limited to:
data analysis
decision support
knowledge acquisition
pre-processing of data
process control
speech and image recognition
web intelligence
hybrid systems which combine different techniques
simulation tools for research, education, development
neural networks models of systems
interdisciplinary applications using soft computing methods.