17TH EUROPEAN SIMULATION Multiconference |
9th - 11th, 2003 |
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Notification of Acceptance..............March 31st, 2003 Registration & Camera Ready ...... May 1st, 2003 The
2003 High Performance & Large Scale Computing
ESM'2003 is the latest in the European Simulation Multi-conference series. It is to be held in the historical city of Nottingham and will address the state of the art issues in modelling and simulation. For several years, ESM has proved to be an outstanding forum for researchers involved in developing innovative simulation systems and tools on both the research and applications fronts. The SCS European Simulation Multi-conference features an outstanding technical program ranging from introductory tutorials to software reviews to state-of-the-art research and practice. The conference will includes exhibits, business meetings for professional societies, software user groups, and a social program. All submissions will be peer reviewed by three members of the International Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published in the conference Proceedings (both print and CD), which will be copyrighted and widely disseminated. Submitted draft papers should not exceed 6 pages and must follow the normal full paper format,- submissions based on abstracts only will not be considered. Contributions to the technical program are solicited in the following general areas:
Other Activities of the conference will cover: Tutorials, Poster Sessions, Student Sessions and Partner's for Projects Sessions and Exhibition. CONTACT
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Page created by M.-M. Seidel Last update 11-07-04. |