ESM'96 Conference Themes


The Budapest 1996 SCS European Simulation Multiconference will bring together eight individual conferences. We invite papers for presentation at the conference and for publication in the Conference Proceedings on the following subjects.

Simulation Methodology and AI

Languages and Tools

Simulation Languages, Special Architectures, Graphical Simulation Environments and Simulation Software Tools, Intelligent Simulation Environments, Parallel Processing Environments for Simulation, User Friendly Software Tools, Advanced Man-Machine Interfaces, Graphical Model Editors, Browsing Facilities, Database Management of Models and Results, Architecture of Modeling and Simulation Environments

Object orientation and Re-use

Object-Oriented Modelling Languages, Modularity, Model Structuring, Inheritance, Model Re-use, Organization of Model Libraries


Numerical Methods for Simulation, Mathematical Analysis in Simulation, Parallel Simulation Methodology, Discrete Event Simulation, Simulation Fidelity and Performance Evaluation, Advanced Training and Simulation Concepts for Education, Multiparameter Sequential Optimization Methods in Simulation, Verification, Validation, and Control in Complex Systems Simulation, Distributed and Parallel Systems Simulation, Combined Continuous and Discrete Event Models, Symbol Analysis and Manipulation of Equation-Based Models, Simultaneous vs Modular Simulation Methods, Standardization Issues

AI and Expert Systems

Expert Controllers and Genetic Algorithms in Simulation, Knowledge Based Simulation Tools, AI and Expert Systems in Simulation


Engineering Applications, Simulation Applications in Industry and Government, Other Applications

Simulation in Economics

Microsimulation Models of the Household and Enterprise Sector, Macrosimulation of National and Linked National Models, Simulation of Firm Models.

Areas of Application:

Simulation in Electronics and Telecommunications

Modelling and Simulation of Analogue Circuits, Modelling and Simulation of Digital Circuits at Switch -and/or Logic-Level, Modelling and Simulation of Computer Systems, Fault Simulation, Test Pattern Generation for Fault Simulation, Hardware-Accelerators for Circuit-Level Simulation, Hardware-Accelerators for Logic Simulation, Distributed Simulation of Circuits and Systems, Electronic Circuits and Components, High Speed Networks, ISDN and ATM Communications, Multimedia Systems

Queuing Networks, Stochastic Petri Nets, Markov Models and Optimization

Simulation of Multibody Systems

Methodology, Tools and Software, Applications in Machinery, Flexible Bodies and Vehicles.

Systems Modelling and Information Systems

Dynamic Modelling of Organizations and Information Systems Performance Evaluation of Information Systems and Databases, Simulation Models in Decision Support Systems, Embedded Simulation, CAD / CAM / CIM / CAE systems, Simulation and Scheduling, Production and Material Handling Simulation, Concurrent Engineering Techniques, Simulation of Productive Processes, Management Simulation Games, Organizational Modelling, Simulation of Administrative Processes, Applications.

Mission Earth

Mission Earth is an Activity of the Society for Computer Simulation International. Its purpose is the identification and dissemination of the unique benefits of World Simulation as the prime tool for use in planning and monitoring a sustainable future for the World System.

This session covers:

Session for Students

All possible topics from the simulation field.

Keynote Speaker

Focusing on the main track of the Conference, the keynote speaker will give a special in-depth presentation in the plenary session, which will be included in the Proceedings of the Conference.

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________________________________________________________ Update 24/11/95