Paper submissions will be handled electronically through the SCS European website. The extended abstract / paper submissions, refereeing process, and final paper submission will all be handled through the Website. In case you have questions / remarks about the organization process of the conference, please contact:
In case you have questions or suggestions about the deadlines, the program, or the content of the conference, please contact:
Only original papers which, have not been published elsewhere will be accepted. The language of the papers should be English. Authors are expected to register early (at a reduced fee) and to attend the conference at their own expense to present the accepted papers. If early registration and payment are not made, the paper will not be published in the Conference Proceedings. In case of multiple authors, one author should be identified as the corresponding author for the paper. Submissions must clearly indicate the affiliation, postal address, telephone number and email address of the corresponding author. A short bio should be included for each author at the end of the paper. An author kit with complete instructions for preparing a camera-ready copy for the Proceedings are available to the authors of accepted submissions. The information about the standard format for papers can be found on WWW at http://www.scs-europe.org. The camera-ready copy of the papers must be received via the instructions on this Website by SCS Europe by 15 September 2003. The final manuscripts are expected to be 10 pages for extended papers and 6 pages for regular papers. In order to guarantee a high-quality conference, the final papers will be reviewed as well, to check whether the suggestions of the referees have been incorporated, and whether the formatting instructions have been taken into account.
Outstanding paper award The 2003 European Simulation Symposium will select among the extended papers, an Outstanding Paper per track. The authors of these papers will receive an invitation to publish their paper in the International Journal of Simulation, Systems, Science and Technology - a publication of the UK Simulation Society, and edited by David Al-Dabass of Nottingham Trent University. From the Outstanding Papers, one Overall Outstanding Paper of the Symposium will be selected. The author(s) of this paper will be awarded a free registration for an SCS conference.
Page created by Alexander Verbraeck. Last update 14-09-03. |