Jean-Francois Ereau, Hamid Demmou and Malecka Saleman


This paper presents an overview about conversion principlesof Fault Tree or Reliability Bloc Diagram model with maintenance attributes into a Petri Net model: the Dynamic Fault Tree based on Synchronized Petri Nets (DFT_SyncPN).This States/Transitions model still represents fault interactions and, in addition, depicts maintenance dependencies between elements of a system.

The automatic conversion from FT or RBD permits to build complex availability models in an assisted way. Moreover, DFT_SyncPNs can be linked to other Petri Nets which detailed the maintenance processes. Depending on the timing assumptions the global resulting model is tractable thanks to Markovian calculus or event driven simulations.

This paper focuses on the building principles and logical behavior of DFT_SyncPNs. Typical evolution rules, which depict interactions between elements, are illustrated through representative examples.


Jean-Francois EREAU is a Ph. D. student since 1993 in Industrial Computer Science at Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France.He received a M. S. in Automatic Control and Electrical Engineering frome the same university in 1991.

His research interests concern Petri Net modeling for dependability and system analysis through the automatic generation of models.

His work is supported by CNES and ALCATEL ESPACE company with technical contribution from "Laboratoire d'Architecture et d'Analyse des Systemes" (LAAS) a CNRS laboratory. He gives Petri nets courses in "Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Hydraulique d'Electronique d'Electrotechnique et d'Informatique de Toulouse"