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of the European Council for Modelling and Simulation



Improving Responsiveness By Locality In Distributed Virtual Environments


Fabrizio Baiardi, Luca Genovali, Laura Ricci

Published in:


ECMS 2007 Proceedings

Edited by: Ivan Zelinka, Zuzana Oplatkova, Alessandra Orsoni


ISBN: 978-0-9553018-2-7

Doi: 10.7148/2007


21st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation,

Prague, June 4-6, 2007


Citation format:

Baiardi, F., Ricci, L., & Genovali, L. (2007). Improving Responsiveness By Locality In Distributed Virtual Environments. ECMS 2007 Proceedings edited by: I. Zelinka, Z. Oplatkova, A. Orsoni (pp. 195-200). European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2007-0195.



The recent diffusion of wide area networks dis- tributed applications, like distributed virtual environ- ments (DV Es), for instance massively multiplayer games, requires the definition of proper consistency mod- els and protocols. Models like perceptive consistency take into account the interactivity of these applications by defining a set of real time constraints. This paper presents MultiLags, a protocol implementing perceptive consistency which exploits DV E locality to dynamically refine the time constraints according to the network con- ditions. An implementation of the protocol is presented. A set of experimental results show the effectiveness of the MultiLags approach.

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