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of the European Council for Modelling and Simulation



Using Aggregation For Automatic Identification Of Work Processes

In The Managerial Hierarchy


Bahadir Kaan Ozütam

Published in:


ECMS 2007 Proceedings

Edited by: Ivan Zelinka, Zuzana Oplatkova, Alessandra Orsoni


ISBN: 978-0-9553018-2-7

Doi: 10.7148/2007


21st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation,

Prague, June 4-6, 2007


Citation format:

Oezuetam, B. K. (2007). Using Aggregation For Automatic Identification Of Work Processes In The Managerial Hierarchy. ECMS 2007 Proceedings edited by: I. Zelinka, Z. Oplatkova, A. Orsoni (pp. 616-622). European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2007-0616.



Aggregation is a qualitative reasoning technique which replaces repetitive cycles of process instances with a higher level description of a single continuous process. We investigate how this AI method can be used in the modeling and simulation of social organizations. Different levels of an organization such as first level employees, middle management, and top management view the available information using different degrees of abstraction. These different levels thus have different ontologies Our approach involves starting with descriptions of low-level work processes and using the automatic abstraction mechanism to come up with higher level process descriptions employing ontologies with fewer details. The output of our aggregator provides a suggestion for how a hierarchy of tasks might be constructed in that organization.

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