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of the European Council for Modelling and Simulation



Methods And Tools To Be Applied For Creating Of

Regional Hydrogeological Model Of Latvia


Aivars Spalvins, Janis Slangens, Inta Lace, Kaspars Krauklis

Published in:


(2011).ECMS 2011 Proceedings edited by: T. Burczynski, J. Kolodziej, A. Byrski, M. Carvalho. European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2011 


ISBN: 978-0-9564944-2-9


25th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation,

Jubilee Conference

Krakow, June 7-10, 2011


Citation format:

Spalvins, A., Slangens, J., Lace, I., & Krauklis, K. (2011). Methods And Tools To Be Applied For Creating Of Regional Hydrogeological Model Of Latvia. ECMS 2011 Proceedings edited by: T. Burczynski, J. Kolodziej, A. Byrski, M. Carvalho (pp. 135-141). European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2011-0135-0141



The hydrogeological model of Latvia will be established during 2010-2012. It will be used for management of drinking groundwater resources in order to implement standards of European Union Water Directives. The model will be created in environment of the commercial program Groundwater Vistas. It includes the broadly used software tools. The area to be modeled is represented by 951´601´25 finite difference grid, which plane approximation step is 500 metres. Novel methods and software tools will be applied to create the highly complicated model: the map of the ground surface elevations will serve as the piezometric boundary condition for obtaining distribution of infiltration; for creating digital maps of the model initial data, original software tools of data interpolation will be used; in the initial phase of the model establishment the actual geometry of a model may not be applied.

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