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of the European Council for Modelling and Simulation



Protection Of Valuable Information In Public Information Space


Alexander A. Grusho, Nick A. Grusho, Michael I. Zabezhailo, Elena E. Timonina

Published in:



(2019). ECMS 2019 Proceedings Edited by: Mauro Iacono, Francesco Palmieri, Marco Gribaudo, Massimo Ficco, European Council for Modeling and Simulation.




ISSN: 2522-2422 (ONLINE)

ISSN: 2522-2414 (PRINT)

ISSN: 2522-2430 (CD-ROM)


33rd International ECMS Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Caserta, Italy, June 11th – June 14th, 2019



Citation format:

Alexander A. Grusho, Nick A. Grusho, Michael I. Zabezhailo, Elena E. Timonina (2019). Protection Of Valuable Information In Public Information Space, ECMS 2019 Proceedings Edited by: Mauro Iacono, Francesco Palmieri, Marco Gribaudo, Massimo Ficco European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi: 10.7148/2019-0451



In some cases a valuable information forcedly appears in public information space. At the same time, as well as in other cases, protection of valuable information is necessary.

In the paper three classes of scenarios of the compelled appearance of valuable information in public informa-tion space are considered. Also several ways of protec-tion of valuable information in these cases are suggested. The main problem consists in the fact that in public in-formation space all information can be available to the adversary.

The first class of scenarios of appearance of valuable information in public information space is connected with disclosure of the directions of information search, intended for special researches. Information about re-searches is valuable and also the directions of its appear-ance in public information space is valuable information.

The second class is connected with the need of the open publication of a part of valuable information. The third class is connected with creation of ambiguity in at-tempts of a conclusion of valuable information from the open publication of its usage in results of its application in information technologies.


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