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Telling Faults From Cyber-Attacks In A Multi-Modal Logistic System With Complex Network Analysis


Dario Guidotti, Giuseppe Cicala, Tommaso Gili, Armando Tacchella

Published in:



(2021). ECMS 2021, 35th Proceedings
Edited by: Khalid Al-Begain, Mauro Iacono, Lelio Campanile, Andrzej Bargiela, European Council for Modelling and Simulation.



ISSN: 2522-2422 (ONLINE)

ISSN: 2522-2414 (PRINT)

ISSN: 2522-2430 (CD-ROM)


ISBN: 978-3-937436-72-2
ISBN: 978-3-937436-73-9(CD)


Communications of the ECMS , Volume 35, Issue 1, June 2021,

United Kingdom


Citation format:

Dario Guidotti, Giuseppe Cicala, Tommaso Gili, Armando Tacchella (2021). Telling Faults From Cyber-Attacks In A Multi-Modal Logistic System With Complex Network Analysis, ECMS 2021 Proceedings Edited By: Khalid Al-Begain, Mauro Iacono, Lelio Campanile, Andrzej Bargiela European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi: 10.7148/2021-0260



We investigate the application of methodologies for the analysis of complex networks to understand the properties of systems of systems in a cybersecurity context. We are interested to resilience and attribution: the first relates to the behavior of the system in case of faults/attacks, namely to its capacity to recover full or partial functionality after a fault/attack; the second corresponds to the capability to tell faults from attacks, namely to trace the cause of an observed malfunction back to its originating cause(s). We present experiments to witness the effectiveness of our methodology considering a discrete event simulation of a multimodal logistic network featuring 40 nodes distributed across Italy and a daily traffic roughly corresponding to the number of containers shipped through in Italian ports yearly, averaged on a daily basis.

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