Analyze the encryption and decryption methods using the catalan sequence
- Lukasz Walusiak
- Natalia Rylko
- Maciej Zdanski
Published in:
(2024). ECMS 2024, 38th Proceedings
Edited by: Daniel Grzonka, Natalia Rylko, Grazyna Suchacka, Vladimir Mityushev, European Council for Modelling and Simulation.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.7148/2024
ISSN: 2522-2422 (ONLINE)
ISSN: 2522-2414 (PRINT)
ISSN: 2522-2430 (CD-ROM)
ISBN: 978-3-937436-84-5
ISBN: 978-3-937436-83-8 (CD) Communications of the ECMS Volume 38, Issue 1, June 2024, Cracow, Poland June 4th – June 7th, 2024
Citation format:
Lukasz walusiak, Natalia rylko, Maciej zdanski (2024). Analyze the encryption and decryption methods using the Catalan sequence, ECMS 2024, Proceedings Edited by: Daniel Grzonka, Natalia Rylko, Grazyna Suchacka, Vladimir Mityushev, European Council for Modelling and Simulation. doi:10.7148/2024-0286
This paper concerns the project and implementation of a cryptographic tool based on the Catalan sequence. It explains the beginnings of cryptography and how people’s approach to transmitting messages has changed over the years. With the development of society, the need to conceal the meaning of messages from unauthorized individuals has grown.
The paper addresses the issue of symmetric affine cipher, its complexity, and the secure transmission of the secret key through individuals using the tool. The key can be entered by the user-sender or generated automatically using the Catalan sequence. In contemporary times, the issue of secure data transmission, and consequently the appropriate methods of encryption and decryption, is crucial. The presented actions not only show an analysis of the methods but also the implementation of these as a functioning tool.
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