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of the European Council for Modelling and Simulation



Control Of Temperature Inside Plug-Flow Tubular Chemical Reactor Using 1DOF And 2DOF Adaptive Controllers


Jiri Vojtesek, Lubos Spacek, Frantisek Gazdos

Published in:




(2018). ECMS 2018 Proceedings Edited by: Lars Nolle, Alexandra Burger, Christoph Tholen, Jens Werner, Jens Wellhausen European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi: 10.7148/2018-0005


ISSN: 2522-2422 (ONLINE)

ISSN: 2522-2414 (PRINT)

ISSN: 2522-2430 (CD-ROM)


32nd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation,

Wilhelmshaven, Germany, May 22nd – May 265h, 2018



Citation format:

Jiri Vojtesek, Lubos Spacek, Frantisek Gazdos (2018). Control Of Temperature Inside Plug-Flow Tubular Chemical Reactor Using 1DOF And 2DOF Adaptive Controllers, ECMS 2018 Proceedings Edited by: Lars Nolle, Alexandra Burger, Christoph Tholen, Jens Werner, Jens Wellhausen European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi: 10.7148/2018-0239



The goal of this contribution is to present simulation re-sults of the adaptive control of the tubular chemical re-actor as a typical equipment used in the industry. The mathematical model of the tubular reactor is described by a set of nonlinear partial dierential equations. The numerical solution of such model is not trivial but the combination of the Finite dierence and Rung-Kutta’s method can be used for this task. The adaptivity of the controller is satisfied by the recursive identification of the external linear model as a linear representation of the originally nonlinear system. Control synthesis employs a polynomial approach together with the con-nection to the Pole-placement method and the spec-tral factorization satisfies basic control requirements and provides not only the structure of the controller but also computational relations. There are compared results for control systems with one degree-of-freedom (1DOF) and two degrees-of-freedom (2DOF).

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